Bulk Audio Silence Remover
Remove silences from multiple audios with one click. Ideal for podcasts, marketing materials, and creative projects with precision.
Use this tool today and see how much you can save!
Drag your Audios here
Silence Volume -50 dB
Volume level below which audio is considered silence (in dB).
Truncate Duration 1 seconds
Truncate any silence over 1 second to 1 second
You've saved $0.00 with
100% Privacy-Friendly Warranty
Our tools are 100% privacy-friendly, meaning your audios don't go to any server for processing. Everything happens on your device.
All other tools out there keep a copy of your audio on their server for processing. You can't be 100% sure that your audio will be deleted afterwards.
But if you use this tool, I guarantee that your audios never leave your computer. They stay on your device and are processed there. Hence, it's 100% privacy-friendly.
Use our tools with peace of mind.
Processed Audio Seconds and Counting