Select the optimal plan for your professional needs

Price will increase soon. Grab your subscription before it's too late!

Coming Soon
All Audio tools
Remove Silence
Unlimited file downloads
Unlimited Audio/file processing
Unlimited file size processing
Parallel processing
Commercial use allowed
Full Access to AudioTools Hub
No Ads
Customer Support
We accept all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover), PayPal, and Apple Pay.
All plans can be cancelled at any time, no questions asked.
No account registration is required. You will use AudioToolsHub with a license key.
Trusted by 325+ happy new users daily
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Your trusted audio toolkit, powering business efficiency worldwide

AudioTools Hub is your one-stop solution for efficient online audio editing. Fast, secure, and browser-based for maximum convenience and privacy.

Secure Payment



Secure SSL Encryption


SSL Encryption

100% Privacy Friendly


Privacy Friendly

Compare plan features

All tools included
Remove Silence
Unlimited file downloads
Batch processing
Unlimited files per task
Remove Silence
Filesize per task
Unlimited file size per task
Remove Silence
Parallel processing
Ad-free service
Distraction-free UI
Secure connection Https
100% Privacy Friendly
Processed Audio Seconds and Counting


Frequently Asked Questions

How does AudioToolsHub respect my privacy?

It runs directly in your browser, ensuring that your data and privacy are respected. The tool does not serve third-party ads and focuses on providing a secure, efficient user experience.

Can I use AudioToolsHub for commercial purposes?

Yes, you can use AudioToolsHub for commercial purposes. Premium users have unlimited commercial rights, allowing them to use our tools for any business or commercial project without restrictions. If you are using a free account, you are limited to personal, non-commercial use only.

I lost my license key. How can I retrieve it?

Click on 'Manage License' at the bottom of the page and log in with your purchase email.

Is there any discount available?

Yes. We offer special discounts to students. Please contact our support team.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept a wide range of payment methods to accommodate our global customers. These include major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover), PayPal, and Apple Pay. If you need an alternative payment method, please contact our support team at for assistance.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time if it doesn't meet your needs.

Can you invoice me?

Yes, Tax Invoicing is available for all Plans. To generate an invoice, follow these steps: 1) Click 'Generate Invoice' at the bottom of the page. 2) Log in with your purchase email. 3) Choose your order. 4) Click 'Generate Invoice'. All prices include VAT. We offer monthly billing options. You can manage your invoices and edit billing settings from your Account page.

Can I get a refund?

We cannot offer refunds as time and costs incurred for development and server costs for tools are extremely high. You can cancel any time though and your subscription ends.